Blues FAQ
What's the point of Dodger Blues?
Who's behind Dodger Blues?
Will you shut down the site if the Dodgers win it all?
did Dodger Blues evolve?
I contribute to Dodger Blues?
do I contact you?
My ass is killing me, what should I
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the point of Dodger Blues? |
Blues celebrates the futility, disappointment, and humor of the
Los Angeles Dodgers. If you look up the word 'celebrate',
one of the meanings is 'to honor or praise publicly.' That's all
the site is doing: publicly honoring the mediocrity, underachievements,
and absurdities of the Los Angeles Dodgers.
Blues is an alternative web site for the true Dodger fanthe
one who remembers that Mel Rojas actually pitched for the team.
It's for the fan who watches all nine innings, even if they're down
by nine runs. It's for the fan who can't wait for the game to start,
and once it does, won't stop complaining. It's for the fan who can't
understand a damn thing Rick Monday is talking about and wishes
he never saved that stupid flag. It's for the fan who hears 'Steve
Sax', and immediately thinks of balls sailing into the stands behind
first base.
to the belief of many (most of whom never made it past 4th grade),
Dodger Blues is not an anti-Dodger site. And it sure as hell isn't
run by Giants fans (although parts of the Fan Forum may be taken
over by them at times).
people say, "You know, the Dodgers aren't the only team that
frustrates their fans." Well, putz, did I say they were? Dodger
Blues is here to ease the pain of being a Dodger fan. If
your team sucks too, make your own goddamn web site.
to top
behind Dodger Blues? |
I am.
I write the articles, I read your hate mail, I declare Assholes
of the Moment, I update the look-alikes (albeit occasionally), and
I waste my nights scouring the internet for pictures of Olmedo Saenz
eating breakfast. So give me a friggin' break when I don't update
the site for a couple days. Dodger Blues is a hobby, not my job
or my life. I run the site fairly anonymously because, really, it
doesn't matter who I am. All you need to know is that I'm a Dodger
fan and I don't make money from the site. (Revenue from ads goes
toward maintaining the site... and an occasional beer.)
Blues is the product of years and years of my frustration. Although
I'm a die-hard Dodger fan and very few things would make me happier
than seeing the Dodgers win a World Series trophy, their constant
failure and mediocrity makes Dodger Blues possible. I have many
people to thank for this, among them Fred Claire, Bill Russell,
Tommy Lasorda, Bob Graziano, Rupert Murdoch, Peter Chernin, Chase
Carey, Bob Daly, Davey Johnson, Kevin Malone, Dan Evans, Jim Tracy,
Frank McCourt, Paul DePodesta, Ned Colletti, Grady Little, Greg
Brock, and the guy who thought a synthetic warning track was a good
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you shut down the site if the Dodgers win it all? |
me ask you this: Do you stop craving sex just because you had it
yesterday? Ok, maybe not the best analogy. But my point is this:
Dodger Blues will be here during bad times and good (if good times
should ever come). If the Dodgers win the World Seriesthe
chances of which are pretty slim as long as Ned Colletti is in charge about all that'll happen is the Gibson clock coming
down. And maybe I'll name myself Asshole of the Moment. But the
site won't be going anywhereit's too much fun.
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did Dodger Blues evolve? |
Blues as you know it began in October 2001. I'd like to say it was
the need for humor in the days following 9/11 that led to the creation
of the site, but more likely it was my boredom combined with recurring
nightmares about a huge Billy Ashley blow-up doll crushing my apartment.
the site itself is only six or seven years old, the roots of Dodger Blues
go much further back (or deeper down, which apparently is the direction
roots tend to go). I grew up in a family of full of Dodger fanscynical
Dodger fans. There was no choice but for me to become one too. I
have great memories of guys like Cey, Baker, and Valenzuela, but
for some reason my memories of guys like Mark Belanger, Ted Power,
and Sid Bream are just as strong. Maybe it was because of notes
this one,
which was left by my bedside on the morning of September 2nd, 1982.
(I had fallen asleep before the end of the game the night before.)
forward fifteen years or so. By the mid 1990s, with Kirk Gibson's
home run nearly a decade in the past, the frustration was mounting.
I had three outlets: (1) kicking holes in my dorm room wall, (2)
going to games and yelling obscenities at players until some Christian
mother in the row in front of me would summon security, and (3)
writing letters
to the Los Angeles Times.
2001, the Dodger organization was in shambles. Davey Johnson was
fighting with his own players, Eric Gagne was a skinny piece of
crap, and F.P. Santangelo was the Dodgers' big bat off the bench.
It was time for action. I dropped $40 to buy, and
now, well... it's worth like $50.
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I contribute to Dodger Blues? |
easiest way to contribute material is through the perspectives
section of the site (although there's no guarantee if and when it'll
be posted). While I'd like to have regular contributors, it's too
time-consuming to do so. As it is, I barely have the time to update
the site every day or two.
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the feedback form, genius. Though it's
getting increasingly difficult, I make an effort to reply to each
email... eventually.
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ass is killing me, what should I do? |
remove the Brian Jordan bobblehead doll from your ass. Second, put
it in a plastic bag and throw the goddamn thing away so no one knows
what a sick fuck you are. Third, stop stealing your kid's bobbleheads.
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creator of this web site is freely expressing his own opinions,
and such opinions expressed on this site do not necessarily reflect
those of the Dodgers or Major League Baseball. In fact, there's
no way in hell my opinions reflect theirs. In general, this site
is meant as a joke. If you don't get the joke, get lost.
information displayed on this site may not be entirely correct nor
do I claim it to be. Whether it's true or not is for you to figure
out. And if you're a Dodger fan, it shouldn't be too hard.
pages throughout this site are property of If we
use anything on this site that has not been given proper credit
and/or is incorrect to the extent that may bring up legal conflict,
then please contact me with your full name, company and proof of
your argument and I will remove the specified content. Any offensive
material located on this site that is solely expressed opinion will
not be removed without a convincing argument which can be backed
the way, if you have any sexy photos of players' wives, please send
them to me.
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